visual novel is set in Japan, 10 years before the start of the main
storyline and will explain what happened during the events of the 'Lost
Christmas' incident. The main character, codenamed Scrooge, has been the
subject of many experiments over the years along with many others.
Carol, the main female character, was also a test subject who is
relevant to the story as well. Scrooge came into contact with her while
on the run and the two escaped together. Soon after they meet a girl
called Present, who's fate is somehow intertwined with Scrooge and
- description taken from http://guiltycrown.wikia.com
Guilty Crown: Nitro+
Translation: Aiden K., Crysis99
Editing: Crysis99, Andrew Siu
Editing: Crysis99, Andrew Siu
Beta (Translation is 100% complete):
LX0.0.1 ~ December 2015
(Please note, that this is a very old build, so bugs may occour. If you find any, please post them either on this fuwanovel thread, or pm me on Twitter.)
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(Please note, that this is a very old build, so bugs may occour. If you find any, please post them either on this fuwanovel thread, or pm me on Twitter.)
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