Rintato Okabe known as "Okarin" is a university student with second-grade syndrome.
is a self-proclaimed mad scientist named as "Kyoma Hououin". He is the
founder of what he calls the "Future Gadget Laboratory" where he spends
most of his time inventing odd things along with two other members.
One day, they accidentally invented a "time machine" that could send text messages to the past...
SERN, John Titor, an old computer "IBN5100", the time machine and butterfly effect, the 11 theories for time traveling.-
When a number of factors coincide, a global-scale event will break out from Akihabara!
Entrusted with the fate of the future, which decision will Okarin make?
- description taken from the Apple AppStore
Steins;Gate: 5pb, Mages, Nitro+
PC Translation: BlickWinkel & his team
iOS Translation Port: Ant08, lolgc
Android Translation Port: lolgc, aloneunix
Language Editing: foxhounder1014
Install Instructions:
Google Android:
1. Install the app from Google Play and purchase it.
2. Let the game download & install/extract all files, before you continue.
3. Make a backup of "/data/data/com.mages.steinsgate" and "/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.mages.steinsgate" [if the game had been installed on SDCard]
4. Remove the App.
5. Download the patch files from "here" and install our translated app from "here"
Note: Make sure to download it only from our Blog
2. Let the game download & install/extract all files, before you continue.
3. Make a backup of "/data/data/com.mages.steinsgate" and "/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.mages.steinsgate" [if the game had been installed on SDCard]
4. Remove the App.
5. Download the patch files from "here" and install our translated app from "here"
Note: Make sure to download it only from our Blog
5. Restore from the backuped folders (have a look at 3).
6. Copy the files from the "files" folder of the patch to "/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.mages.steinsgate"
Current Version:
SG1.0.5 ~ 15.04.2014
-fixes Chapter 11 (once again)
-fixes Chapter 11 (once again)